Tackle the second half of the year by tuning up your communications plan. Coming into the most important fundraising season of the year, your nonprofit organization’s communications game plan needs to be ready for the big lights.

Invest an hour in getting your communications plan ready. Get practical tips and tools that make it easy to communicate your vision to leadership but also keep yourself on track.

Learn from Dawn Crawford at BC/DC Ideas who has dedicated her career to supporting nonprofits to better communicate their mission for the past 10 years.

Sneak Peek

Dawn Crawford nonprofit communications marketing agency

Included In This Course

  • Make this plan for the next 12 months, not just to get you through 2020
  • Remind yourself about the components of a plan
  • Embrace the Gantt
  • Adjust your capacity – what tactics are most important for your organization
  • Hands-on building a plan – WORKSHOP TIME!

Example Curriculum

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